Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Country Cove Christmas Tree Farm

This past weekend we went Christmas tree hunting with the Morris's.


country cove


Lexi hauled around various sticks and stood on as many tree stumps as she could find.

"i have a stick!"

Logan chilled out in his stroller.

bundled up


alexis and logan

I am threatening to put this on our Christmas card.  It pretty much sums my family up.  :)

this about sums it up

Eric doing his best lumberjack impression.

tree + erictimber!

And my favorite photo - Daddy and his helper dragging the tree to the truck.

helping daddy with the tree

Stay tuned for tree trimming photos!

Monday, December 5, 2011

100/365 Day One Hundred

Alexis took a hardcore nap this afternoon on the way to get our Christmas Tree!! A full post on our trip will be coming tomorrow. :)

Hardcore napping.

We got our tree!

99/365 Standing on one of the red balls at Target

Standing on one of the red balls at Target

98/365 Showing some love to Toby, the neighborhood dog

Showing some love to Toby, the neighborhood dog.