Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still Cookin'

Apparently I cook giant babies. This one's measuring about 2lbs heavier than the norm.
Dr's appointments twice a week from here on out.

This was taken at 31wks 6dys.

still cookin'

And this was taken yesterday morning at 32wks 3dys.

good morning

Also, not only is Baby huge, but has a head full of hair as well.

baby has hair


  1. I spent my time after lunch checking out your flickr site and your .com site. Wow! I will say it again, you are wicked talented. I really like some of the shots that your hubby took. You certainly know how to work the light and shadow, and even more clone stuff.

    You capture others well, and your comfort with your own body is apparent in your self portraits. I'm sure once your giant baby is born you will have a zillion pictures before he/she is one. :) Keep up the great work.

  2. Omg, you can see the hair! My brothers and I were all bald.
