Tuesday, June 23, 2009

C & Wood

Weekly Words Challenge 2009
(archives galore)


C is for Clones

front porch


tending our (small) garden


One of my favorite parts of our house is this wooden bench on the back porch.

afternoon sun


burning up

29wks 2dys

I've got a whole set dedicated to this bench on flickr - click here to check it out.

Want to participate in the Weekly Words Challenge? Head on over to Tink to get the details.


  1. Nicely done!
    I'd like to be cloned, so that my clones could get all of my work done and *I* could just sit around and relax.

  2. I do so enjoy your cloning images. Nicely done!!! You are looking great, how much longer? (I could do the math from your last picture, but I am lazy ;) I really like the shot of you on your tummy on the bench, again, nicely done.

  3. Well done, those are great cloning shots. Nice bench.

  4. I love when you do "clone" pictures! I still can't figure out how you do it though. :)

    In the first shot, I love the you with the dog and the one where your legs are crossed and you're sitting on the edge of the porch. You look so sexy and playful. Great stuff.

