Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Favorite Movie & P

Weekly Words Challenge 2009

Favorite Movie
I have so many favorite movies, it is hard to pick just one.
I found this photo in my archives and the Star Wars movies are definitely some of my favorites.

boba and i

P is for Poor Baby.
The photo below was taken this past Sunday when we tried getting Beau to come inside. He is totally milking the whole gimpy leg thing.

poor baby

Want to participate in the Weekly Words Challenge? Head on over to get the details from Tink.


  1. I don't know why it never occurred to me to use the action figures for "Movie," but it didn't.

    That poor puppy. He needs someone to come carry him inside.

  2. Poor baby indeed! He is so cute!

  3. Which Star Wars movie is your favorite?

  4. why is he laying in the hot driveway? poor baby.

  5. Ooo, good one with the action figure. Poor poor puppy. :)

  6. Gramps - Empire Strikes Back definitely!

    Tracy - He wanted to get in the car and go with us to Momma's. When we told him to come inside, he just lay down like that. Of course we ended up taking him. And of course he ended up peeing on her couch.

  7. Awwwwww. Lol. Poor baby indeed.
