Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bokeh & Heart

Weekly Words Challenge 2009


I love shots with good bokeh.

coming home

clamp bokeh

This next one was actually taken by Eric, but the bokeh is great!




i heart you

And finally, a photo with heart bokeh.


Want to participate in the Weekly Words Challenge? Head on over to get the details from Tink.


  1. Wow, just wow! Love your bokeh and your "hand hearts" over your baby belly is beautiful.

  2. Thanks! Although the 'heart hands' pic isn't my belly. I did a maternity shoot earlier this year for a friend and pulled a photo from that. I need to do one for me, don't I?

  3. Oooh, your photos are just so gorgeous! Well done :-)

  4. Thank goodness you are a professional because I'd be embarrassed about my photos if you weren't! LOL!
    All of them are beautiful. But a heart bokeh?! That one takes the cake! Amazing!

  5. !!!!!!
    I love them all! Can't even decide which is my favorite...OK, maybe the heart bokeh...

  6. I regret never having taken a baby belly heart picture (4 opportunities, done and gone).
    Thank you for giving us photos to inspire us! That is some incredible bokeh.

  7. Hand hearts belly is great yes and the Bokeh.

    Wow, I just came here and got totally shamed!!! :)

    Great job.

  8. These are all fantastic!!! I couldn't possibly pick a favorite. Great job.

    P.S. That look you're giving is ravishing. Seriously. HAWT.

  9. The heart bokeh was just too cool... They are all very well done.

    I have to agree with Tink, you are radiant.

  10. P.s. What is that second picture of? I am guessing that the nuts are part of a system that provides tention, but I am drawing a blank on the rest.

  11. g-man - That photo was taken at a theatre lighting conference. It was actually a line of clamps that are used to hold lights. I thought the tops of the clamps where they were bolted tight to hold onto the pipe looked interesting. Does that make any sense?

  12. Yes that makes perfect sense. My original assumption was that they were part of a single "thing" not individual "things" lined up. Thanks. It it is an interesting shot. :)

  13. I love the wing nuts and bolts.
